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Important Update: End of Life for Certain QuickBooks Desktop Versions

Is it time for QuickBooks Desktop users to consider a move to QuickBooks Online?

We want to inform you about an important upcoming change for users of QuickBooks Desktop software. Intuit, the developer of QuickBooks, has announced that they will be discontinuing sales of certain versions of QuickBooks Desktop after September 30, 2024.

Which QuickBooks Desktop Versions Are Affected?

According to the official Intuit announcement, the following versions of QuickBooks Desktop will no longer be available after September 30, 2024:

  • QuickBooks Desktop Pro Plus
  • QuickBooks Desktop Premier Plus
  • QuickBooks Desktop Mac Plus
  • QuickBooks Desktop Enhanced Payroll

What Does This Mean for Existing Users?

The good news is that existing subscribers of the listed QuickBooks Desktop Plus and Desktop Payroll versions can continue to renew their subscriptions and will still receive security updates, product updates, and support from Intuit. This discontinuation only affects the ability to purchase new subscriptions.

Considering a Move to QuickBooks Online

At CDML, we understand the importance of reliable accounting software for your business. We’re here to help you navigate this transition smoothly by recommending a move to QuickBooks Online.

Benefits of QuickBooks Online:

  • Accessibility: Access your financial data anytime, anywhere, from any device with an internet connection.
  • Automatic Updates: No need to worry about manual updates or missing out on the latest features.
  • Enhanced Security: QuickBooks Online benefits from robust security measures maintained by Intuit.
  • Collaboration: Easily share financial data with your accountant or bookkeeper for real-time collaboration.

Important Note About Payroll Data

While most of your QuickBooks Desktop data can be migrated to QuickBooks Online, it’s important to be aware that payroll data transfer can be more complex. Intuit doesn’t offer a direct, automated solution for transferring historical payroll information. This means the transition process might involve manual data entry or using third-party migration tools.

CDML Can Help!

Our team of IT experts is experienced in helping businesses migrate from QuickBooks Desktop to QuickBooks Online. We can guide you through the entire process, ensuring a smooth transition with minimal disruption to your workflow.

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